The Meiji at 150 Digital Teaching Resource is a collaborative effort of the UBC Library, the Museum of Anthropology, the Centre for Japanese Research, the Department of History, and the Department of Asian Studies to promote the study of Japanese history and culture using digital materials from UBC collections.
Curated and edited by Tristan Grunow and Naoko Kato, the Meiji at 150 DTR is designed to present open-source scholarly content that will be useful for educators and academics looking for new images and topics to introduce into their classroom teaching, while highlighting the academic research possible using UBC’s digital materials.
The Meiji at 150 Visual Essays pair digitized materials with historical narrative and interpretive analysis. The companion Digital Resources page collates all of the Japan-related digital collections at UBC into one convenient location to facilitate accessibility for research purposes and for easy adoption in the Japanese studies classroom.
The Meiji at 150 Digital Teaching Resource would not be possible without the generous financial support of the Consulate-General of Japan in Vancouver, The Japan Foundation, Toronto, and the UBC Faculty of Arts, along with the logistical cooperation of the UBC Library Digital Initiatives, UBC Library Rare Books and Special Collections, Asian Library, and the Museum of Anthropology.
For more information, inquiries, and feedback, contact us here.
About the Editors

Tristan R. Grunow is Assistant Professor without Review in the History Department at UBC. Previously, he was Postdoctoral Fellow at the Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies at Harvard University, and Visiting Assistant Professor of History and Asian Studies at Bowdoin College. He is currently completing a manuscript charting the transformation of Tokyo under the processes of Japanese state-formation and empire-building.

About the Authors
(Listed in Alphabetical Order)

Benjamin Bryce is an assistant professor in the Department of History at the University of Northern British Columbia. He received his PhD and MA from York University (2013, 2008) and his BA from the University of British Columbia (2005). His research focuses on migration, education, and religion in Canada and Argentina. He is the author of To Belong in Buenos Aires: Germans, Argentines, and the Rise of a Pluralist Society (Stanford University Press, 2018). He is also the co-editor of Making Citizens in Argentina (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2017) and Entangling Migration History: Borderlands and Transnationalism in the United States and Canada (University Press of Florida, 2015).

Allen Hockley received a BA from the University of Victoria, an MA from UBC, and a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. He currently holds a joint appointment in the Department of Art History and the Asian Societies, Cultures, and Languages Program at Dartmouth College. His research interests include Japanese prints and illustrated books of seventeenth through twentieth centuries and early Japanese photography.
KANAYA Masataka is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Architecture in the Graduate School of Engineering and Design at Hōsei University in Tokyo, Japan. He specializes in the modern architectural and urban history of Tokyo, and is researching the repurposing of former warrior compounds into cultivated fields in the early Meiji Period, early Meiji urban dairy farming and agriculture, and changes to the urban core and suburbs of Tokyo under Shokusan Kōgyō policies.

Radu Leca is a Romanian historian of art and cartography, who has studied Japanese literature and art history before engaging with the history of maps in Japan. An extended version of this article is forthcoming as Radu Leca, “Maps of the World in Early Modern Japan,” in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History, ed. David Ludden (New York: Oxford University Press, 2018).

Joshua S. Mostow is a Professor in the Department of Asian Studies at UBC. In addition to his study of the reception of HNIS, he is also author of Courtly Visions: The Ise Stories and the Politics of Cultural Appropriation. Japanese Visual Culture 12 (Brill, 2014).

Eiji Okawa is a social historian specializing in medieval and early modern Japan as well as Japanese diaspora in early to mid twentieth century Canada. He is interested in religious and social institutions, and how people relate to cultural landscapes and organize their society by managing or overcoming conflicts and tensions. He completed his doctoral degree in Japanese history at the University of British Columbia in 2016. Currently, he is a postdoctoral fellow with Landscapes of Injustice as well as University of Victoria’s history department. Landscapes is a collaborative project on the dispossession of Japanese-Canadian properties by the state during the 1940s.

Gregory Smits is Professor of History and Asian Studies at Pennsylvania State University. His research includes East Asian intellectual history, the history of earthquakes and seismology in Japan, and the history of Ryukyu (present-day Okinawa Prefecture and parts of Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan).

Dr. Yukari Takai is a professor at the Department of History at the University of Windsor and a Faculty Associate at the York Centre for Asian Research (YCAR) at York University in Canada. Born and raised in Tokyo, Japan, she completed her PhD in history at the Université de Montréal in Canada. She is a historian of North America and Asia specialized in issues of migration, women and gender, border and borderlands. A former Fulbright Research Fellow at Columbia University in New York, Takai is the author of Gendered Passages: French-Canadian Migration to Lowell, Massachusetts, 1900-1920 (2008).

Miriam Wattles is Associate Professor in the Department of Art and Architecture, University of California, Santa Barbara. She has worked on a range of topics in Japanese visual culture from the Edo through the early Shōwa periods. Her present book project concerns the little-known transition from giga to manga from 1870-1930. The gendered history of textiles and garments in Japan during the long twentieth century is a new scholarly interest of hers.

Ayaka Yoshimizu is a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Asian Studies at the University of British Columbia and an instructor at the Department of Mass Communication at Columbia College. She completed her PhD in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University. Her areas of interest include transpacific studies, cultural memory, women’s transnational migration, postcolonialism, and critical and creative methodologies. Her postdoctoral project is concerned with cultural memories of Japanese women who engaged in sex work in North America at the turn of the 20th century. She examines different ways in which their experiences are memorialized today through literary, cinematic and other creative forms in Japan, Canada and the United States, and explores alternative ways to engage this history through her critical archival research.

Ayako Yoshimura works as Japanese Studies Librarian at the University of Chicago Library. She earned a Ph.D. in folklore at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Her dissertation—entitled “An Autoethnography of Kin-aesthetics: Retrieving Family Folklore Through the Wearing of Used Kimonos” (2015)—investigated what it means for a contemporary Japanese woman to wear kimonos, especially inherited ones. While continuing her kimono research, she offers university lectures and public talks on both folklore and kimono culture.